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What 5 Things Do You Need to Include In Your Lobby to Make Your Department Store Very Attractive To Customers

By : 2oxfordmasters

 I think I should include a huge sign that says Stevie Department Store. I want it BIG and CLEAR. It will be outside the department store, so everyone in the village can see. I would also use many colors to make it easy to spot.
       In the lobby, I want to put a surprise trap for the villagers coming to the department store. The trap may accidentally kill some villagers, but it will be cool. The trap is very easy. First, I will dig a small hole and make the wall around it made of bedrock. Second, just place some TNT inside the hole. Last, connect it to the weight sensor by the door then its finished! It could make good fireworks! Why not make this a firework then…rather than a villager trap? You won’t get many customers otherwise!
I want to build many shops on the first floor. The first floor shops have to be very attractive. Like a monsters shop. I can place some scary monsters inside to make people think that the department store is very interesting. Also I can put a shop that sells food like cake and chicken to let the costumers smell the good smell.

Decorating the outside of the department store can also attract people. I would place a mat made of glowstone so it will glow in the dark.  Maybe when people walk on it they will think that this department store is a luxury department store!

Last, a department store should have seasonal displasy. Like now it is Halloween, so it should have costumes for Halloween or many events for Halloween. This can make many people want to join the events or buy the things.

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Stevie Department Store Begins Construction

By : 2oxfordmasters

When the famous Stevie Department Store started construction, we needed to outline a huge wall. Even though we tried again, it didn't work.We had to first find a way to build it quickly.
    The president of the Super Flat government said it was a very hard to build a department store if the workers had to build each block by hand. He said it could take a hundred years!
    At last a professor from the village TNT found the answer. We could now just build a shape very fast.

    As the construction continued, it turned to night. Bats, creepers, zombies, spider and skeletons were everywhere. After a worker from the department of monsters switched the game into peaceful mode, there were only bats remaining.
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Plans for the Stevie Department Store Approved by Minecraft Government

By : 2oxfordmasters

The superflat country government announced that they will start building the Stevie Department Store on a 'superflat place'. Inside, it will have restaurants, cake stores, creeper stores, zombie stores, wolf stores, animal shops, food shops, bread shops and more...

"Of course, we will build a parking lot and a small amusement park for children to play in. If we have enough space, we may even have a lava pool and a swimming pool! To make villagers come, we also need a railway. This will be the biggest project for the superflat country government and its sole builder - Louis"

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